ICOM-Thailand National Committee

consists of:

 Chairman:               Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Culture

Vice Chairman:       Director General of Fine Arts

Director:                  Permanent Secretary of Defence

                                 Secretary-General of the Higher Education Commission 

                                 Director-General of the Department of Mineral Resources

                                 Director-General of the Department of National Parks, Wildlife and Plant Varieties 

                                 Director-General of the Department of Maritime and Coastal Resources 

                                 Director-General of the Department of Tourism 

                                 Director of the Center for Educational Science

                                 Director-General of the Department of Cultural Promotion 

                                 Director of the National Science Museum Organization or representative director

                                 Governor of Tourism Authority of Thailand 

                                 Director of the Zoo Organization under the Royal Patronage 

                                 Director of the Office of Knowledge Management and Development (Public Organization) 

                                 Deputy Director-General of the Fine Arts Department 

                                 Director of the Regional Center for Archaeology and Fine Arts (Spafa) 

                                President of the Thai Museum Association 

Secretariat            Executive Director of the Office of National Museum, Fine Arts Department

                                Director of the Museum Promotion and Development Division, Office of National Museum

                                Director of Research Division, Office of National Museum, Fine Arts Department